"We will provide a full circle of support with comprehensive management care, with an emphasis on compassionate support to all cancer patients, caregivers and their loved ones," Bertha Tiznado - Executive Director.
We need your help to ensure that local families affected by cancer or life limiting conditions will always have somewhere to turn to.......

was 29 years old when she was diagnosed with end-stage Pancreatic Cancer. She had no insurance, no family support and was a single mother of three little girls ages 2, 3 and 5.
We Support U provided:
free treatment, a humanitarian visa for her mother whom she had not seen in years, transportation, household expenses.
Unfortunately, she did not survive, however WSU assisted in finding a wonderful family who were able to adopt her three girls.

was 17 years old when he was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer. He didn't get treatment until 6 years later when he reached out to
We Support U.
We Support U provided:
him with case managements services, assistance with free chemotherapy and radiation treatment. He has been in remission for more than 11 years and continues to be an active supporter of our 5K Run/Walk.

was 4 years old when she was diagnosed with Brain Cancer.
We Support U provided:
free radiation treatment, a humanitarian visa, family counseling, and family resources.
She wished to have a TV, Disney movies and a play house which WSU was able to get her.

was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at the age of 51 years old.
We Support U provided:
her with access to medical insurance, case management and one and one counseling and support services. Currently she is an active volunteer of We Support U.
MEET OUR PATIENTS STORIES... and how wsu supported them

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